Things to do

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Things To Do at Giraffe Manor

Guests at Giraffe Manor will never run short of fascinating forays into nature and culture.  

Giraffe Centre 

If you find yourself enchanted by the residents of Giraffe Manor, then you must pay a visit to the incredible Giraffe Centre. Home to three species of giraffe, the centre offers a chance to feed these wonderful creatures while learning more about them.  

Sheldrick Elephant Orphanage 

The Sheldrick Elephant Orphanage was established in 1977 to honour the incredible conservation work of David Sheldrick. Here, abandoned or traumatised elephant calves are rehabilitated among other elephants and human carers. You can adopt a calf to pay for its care. 

Karen Blixen and Nairobi National Museums  

These museums cover the spectrum of Kenyan history, teaching visitors about the earliest human inhabitants of East Africa, and allowing them to envision life in the era of early European settlers like the Out of Africa author.  


Lady Susan Wood established this workshop in 1975 to produce hand-crafted beads and it has since created employment opportunities for hundreds of single mothers. Pay it a visit to marvel at the intricate work put into creating ceramic beads. Buy a readymade necklace or choose the colours you like and have the beads strung into a precious gift for someone at home.  

14. Friendly Kisses 13. Feeding Time 12. Tony Sharing His Breakfast 15. A Keeper Bottle Feeding One Of The Orphans
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